Apiezon Vacuum Greases, Lubricants and Sealants

Apiezon high vacuum greases, vacuum sealants and lubricants are favoured around the world because of their quality, consistency and excellent performance in vacuum applications.

M&I Materials Limited have been manufacturing Apiezon products for over 80 years and in Australia, these products are available through ProSciTech.


Things to Consider When Choosing a Vacuum Grease:

  1. Vacuum level - Compare the vapour pressure of Apeizon greases to the highest level of vacuum and highest temperature your vacuum could reach. If the highest vapour pressure is equal to or higher than the vacuum level then the grease will evaporate, causing contamination and leaks.

  2. Working temperature – the vapour pressure of materials is highly dependent on temperature, too hot = melting or thermal degradation and too cold = cracking or crazing.

  3. Compatibility of materials - This relates mostly to o-rings which can be made of viton, silicone, nitrile, nylon, polyurethane, polyethylene or polypropylene. The o-ring can swell or degrade to the point of contaminating the system if there are compatibility issues with the grease.

  4. Level of lubrication - Base oil viscosity is one property which is typically important in establishing the level of lubrication. Other useful information you might need could be the results of a four ball wear test or the NLGI number.

  5. Food or pharmaceutical grade applications? - Make sure all materials meet the requirements for the application. Be aware that food and medical grades can have different approvals, make sure that you understand fully the rating your grease requires.

Apiezon Grease

Key Features

Compatible Materials    

Non-compatible Materials    

AP100: Ultra-high vacuum lubricating grease, silicone free

  • Ultra-high vacuum range
  • Anti-seize properties
  • High load lubricant
  • Ambient temperatures
  • Silicone free
  • Easily removed
  • Viton
  • Silicone
  • Nitrile (>30% nitrile content)
  • Nylon
  • Polyurethane
  • Polyethylene
  • Polypropylene
  • EPDM (ethylene propylene diene M-class rubber)
  • EPR (ethylene propylene rubber)
  • Butyl rubber
  • PVC seals

AP101: Anti-seize vacuum grease, silicone free

  • Anti-seize properties
  • Critical lubricant
  • Silicone free
  • Solvent/chemical resistance
  • Wide temperature range
  • Easily removed
  • Viton
  • Silicone
  • Nitrile (>30% nitrile content)
  • Nylon
  • Polyurethane
  • Polyethylene
  • Polypropylene
  • EPDM (ethylene propylene diene M-class rubber)
  • EPR (ethylene propylene rubber)
  • Butyl rubber
  • PVC seals

H: High temperature vacuum grease, silicone free

  • High temperatures
  • Thermally conducting
  • Good "stiction"
  • Low to medium vacuum range
  • Silicone free
  • Easily removed
  • Viton
  • Silicone
  • Nitrile (>30% nitrile content)
  • Nylon
  • Polyurethane
  • Polyethylene
  • Polypropylene
  • EPDM (ethylene propylene diene M-class rubber)
  • EPR (ethylene propylene rubber)
  • Butyl rubber
  • PVC seals

L: Ultra-high vacuum grease, silicone free, halogen free


  • Very high vacuum range
  • Ambient temperatures
  • Cryogenic uses
  • Radiation resistant
  • Added cushioning
  • Excellent lubricants
  • Silicone & halogen free
  • Easily removed


  • Viton
  • Silicone
  • Nitrile (>30% nitrile content)
  • Nylon
  • Polyurethane
  • Polyethylene
  • Polypropylene
  • EPDM (ethylene propylene diene M-class rubber)
  • EPR (ethylene propylene rubber)
  • Butyl rubber
  • PVC seals

M: High vacuum grease, silicone free, halogen free

  • Very high vacuum range
  • Ambient temperatures
  • Cryogenic uses
  • Radiation resistant
  • Added cushioning
  • Excellent lubricants
  • Silicone & halogen free
  • Easily removed
  • Viton
  • Silicone
  • Nitrile (>30% nitrile content)
  • Nylon
  • Polyurethane
  • Polyethylene
  • Polypropylene
  • EPDM (ethylene propylene diene M-class rubber)
  • EPR (ethylene propylene rubber)
  • Butyl rubber
  • PVC seals

N: Cryogenic high vacuum grease, silicone free, halogen free

  • Very high vacuum range
  • Ambient temperatures
  • Cryogenic uses
  • Radiation resistant
  • Added cushioning
  • Excellent lubricants
  • Silicone & halogen free
  • Easily removed
  • Viton
  • Silicone
  • Nitrile (>30% nitrile content)
  • Nylon
  • Polyurethane
  • Polyethylene
  • Polypropylene
  • EPDM (ethylene propylene diene M-class rubber)
  • EPR (ethylene propylene rubber)
  • Butyl rubber
  • PVC seals

T: Medium temperature vacuum grease, silicone free

  • Medium temperature range
  • Sticking power
  • Low to medium vacuum range
  • Silicone free
  • Easily removed
  • Viton
  • Silicone
  • Nitrile (>30% nitrile content)
  • Nylon
  • Polyurethane
  • Polyethylene
  • Polypropylene
  • EPDM (ethylene propylene diene M-class rubber)
  • EPR (ethylene propylene rubber)
  • Butyl rubber
  • PVC seals

PFPE 501: High temperature sealing/lubricating vacuum grease, inert

  •  PFPE based
  • High temperature lubricant
  • Used in oxygen rich environments
  • Ultra high vacuum
  • Chemically inert
  • Extreme pressure
  • Wide temperature range
- -

Comparison Data for Apiezon Greases


The Apiezon Wax W range of waxes features three products including the popular Apiezon Wax W, also known as ‘Black Wax’. All three waxes in the Apiezon range can be used as permanent or semi-permanent vacuum sealants or mounting media. Apiezon Wax W is also a perfect etch resist.

Apiezon Q Compound sealant is an effective temporary vacuum sealant that is used as a short term solution in situations which do not allow for the immediate dismantling of a system for repair.


Wax W 

Wax W100

Wax W40

Q Compound

Approximate softening point 80 to 90°C 50 to 60°C 40 to 50°C 40 to 50°C
Est. vapour pressure @ 20°C 4.5 x 10-9Torr 4.5 x 10-9Torr 6 x 10-8Torr 1 x 10-4Torr
Temp for application 130°C 110°C 90°C Ambient
Working temperature range -10 to 75°C -10 to 45°C -10 to 35°C -10 to 30°C
Water permeability
 @ 25°C
0.8x10-8g/cm/hr/mm Hg 1.6x10-8g/cm/hr/mm Hg 1.6x10-8g/cm/hr/mm Hg -
Thermal conductivity
@ 20°C
0.189W/m°C 0.170W/m°C 0.177W/m°C -
Specific heat @ 25°C 1.8J/g 2.7J/g 2.9J/g -
Loss tangent 0.015 0.016 0.015 -
Permittivity 2.8 2.7 2.9 -
Volume resistivity 6.31 x 10-15Ω cm 1.64 x 10-15Ω cm 5.06 x 10-15Ω cm -


Apiezon AP201 Vapour Booster Pump Oil

Hydrocarbon based vapour booster pump oil:

  • Excellent oxygen stability

  • Minimal tarry deposits

  • Easier and faster cleaning and servicing

  • Longer service life of the oil

  • Reduction in top ups and backstreaming

  • Superior and quicker ultimate vacuum

  • High purity & very low vapour pressure

Apiezon AP303 Turbo Pump Oil

Robust lubricating oil made from a high quality polyol ester base stock:

  • Provides excellent lubrication
  • Robust liquid which offers a long service lifetime
  • Exhibits a low vapour pressure of 3.1x10-7Torr @ 80°C
  • Silicone and halogen free
  • Easy to clean and remove
  • Soluble in hydrocarbon solvents

Apeizon J Sealing Oil

High viscosity sealing oil:

  • Provide an effective vacuum seal
  • High viscosity 3330cSt @ 40 °C
  • Low vapour pressure
  • Silicone free

Apeizon K Sealing Oil

High viscosity sealing oil:

  • Provide an effective vacuum seal
  • High viscosity 5710cSt @ 40 °C
  • Low vapour pressure
  • Silicone free