R-Universal epitope recovery buffer
R-Universal epitope recovery buffer
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R-Universal Buffer utilises a novel (patent-pending) system for the recovery of epitopes, largely based on altering the fixing effects of formaldehyde, which also has generated links primarily between ε-amino lysine groups and several other amino groups.
R-Universal Buffer could also be used in any heat-induced epitope recovery system, but has been specifically adapted for the treatment of tissue sections in the EMS Antigen Retriever (62700 Series). Using this combination guarantees the highest success rate in the recovery of epitope for any antibody, particularly one which has never been previously used in formalin-fixed sections.
The buffer has been widely studied in United Kingdom's pathology departments and has already shown fantastic results when used with various antibodies, including those typically requiring treatment only in low, or even high pH buffers for efficient staining, or requiring protolithic treatment.
Epitope recovery on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embodied tissue sections requires heat-induced buffer treatment or, occasionally, proteolitic treatment of the deparaffinised tissue section.
Which buffer to use depends largely on the specific antibody and the properties of the recognised epitope. Considerable research and practise exists on the use of many buffers, including Citrate pH 3.4, Citrate 6.0, EDTA 8.0, Tris 9.0-10.0, Tris-EDTA, etc.
For individual antigens, the time of recovery in the individual buffer should be defined, as this may be different, and the treatment often destroys the epitope.
Properties Clear, non-toxic solution.
Presentation: R-Universal Buffer is supplied as 10x concentrate. For epitope recovery dilute 1 part of stock with 9 parts of deionised water.
Application: Epitope recovery dilute 1 part of stock with 9 parts of deionised water.
Stability and Storage: Preparation is stable for 1 year when stored unopened at +40°C. Every lot is issued with a certificate indicating the expiry date.
After opening, store at +40°C in the refrigerator and use within 6 months.
Certification: Each lot is certified for compliance to specifications. The product is produced under DIN EN ISO 9001 :2008 Quality Management system for the products in Immunoassay Development and Measurement, Products for Bioanalytics and lmmunoassays.

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