Trans-Tasman Bursary

ProSciTech is proud to sponsor this unique bursary, fostering scientific collaboration and advancement within the EM community. The bursary enables a New Zealand-based microscopist to attend the Australian Conference on Microscopy and Microanalysis, and an Australian-based microscopist to participate in the Microscopy New Zealand conference. 

Encourage new entrants to the industry and foster scientific collaboration and advancement within the EM community. 
Award Includes: 

  • Return economy airfare 
  • Conference registration fees 
  • AU$500 spending allowance 


  1. Must be new to the Electron Microscopy field and attending the microscopy conference in their country of residence.  

  2. Presentation must be based on significant research using microscopy and/or electron beam microanalysis, or advancing microscopy and/or electron beam microanalysis techniques.  

  3. Work must be presented by the applicant at their Society's biennial Microscopy Conference as either an oral or a poster presentation. 

  4. Candidates must briefly cite the significance of their work and provide the contact information of a professional referee or a supporting statement from a supervisor or senior investigator. 

Recipients are chosen by the Microscopy Society. AMMS Logo