PathScan Enabler 5 slide scanner, 115V
PathScan Enabler 5 slide scanner, 115V
The PathScan Enabler 5 is the original low cost brightfield and polarized light whole slide scanner.
Obtain ultra-high resolution images from 1 x 3in (25x76mm) glass tissue slides in about a minute - without a microscope! The new PathScan Enabler 5 is a perfect compliment to any microscope imaging workstation.
It is the latest version of our patented PathScan series digital slide scanners. The original PathScan Enabler helped create the market for personal digital slide scanning over 23 years ago. With the new intuitive design, the PathScan Enabler 5 allows scanning of whole mounted histological samples attached to standard 1 x 3inch (25x76mm) cover slipped glass slides. The new optional polarizing holder allows scanning of polished rock thin sections attached to 1 x 2in (25x50mm) glass slides in both brightfield and polarized light!
The PathScan Enabler 5 solves low power, large field of view, and high resolution imaging problems. Scan area is 24.3 x 36.5mm, resulting in stunning, incredible images up to 14,320 x 9,522 pixels! The PathScan Enabler 5 holds two (2) 1 x 3in (25x76mm) glass slides and includes simple to use software for both Windows and Mac computers. The polarizing holder accepts a single geological 1 x 2in (25x50mm) glass slide. Image files are saved in .tiff or .jpg formats. The PathScan Enabler 5 is designed not to replace, but complement, a microscope and digital camera. The entire sample is scanned with an even, clear background and makes a perfect overview image that can be viewed in a variety of software programs. Image scans are equivalent to 4X microscope resolution. Conventional microscopes equipped with low power objectives and digital cameras typically cannot capture samples larger than 6 mm in diameter. The PathScan Enabler 5 captures specimens as large as 36.5 mm in diameter! Better yet, there is no uneven illumination or out of focus sample edges, as can be the case with traditional low power image capture techniques.
- Low-cost slide scanner for histology and optional geological slides
- Simple to use software, scans, saves in .tiff or .jpg format
- Opens image in Adobe Photoshop, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.
- Typical scan times is just over a minute
- Includes two (2) holders which accepts two (2) 25x76mm glass slides
- Optional geological polarising holder
- 10,000 x 10,000 dpi resolution, 2.54 microns per pixel
- Viewing windows allows you to see exactly what will be scanned
- LED white light illumination
- Windows and Mac compatible
- 24 bit colour sampling
- Dynamic range 3.8
- Real time sharpening, automatic colour correction
- PC Windows 7/8 Mac OS X 10.5/10.6/10.7/10.8
- USB2 interface
- Voltage - 115V
- Dimensions 410 x 150 x 280mm

Images are illustrative only. Please check product details before ordering.