NEW Quorum Sputter Coaters Guide

Quorum Technologies: Specialists in Sample Preparation for Electron Microscopy

Quorum Technologies manufactures market-leading scientific instruments used for Electron Microscopy sample preparation. They lead the way in sample preparation techniques for sputter coating and also cryo-SEM, critical point drying and glow discharge with a full range of high-quality instruments that offer unparalleled ease of use and reproducibility – time and time again.

Use the Quorum Technologies Product Configurator to assess what sputter coater would best suit your application.

Introducing the new QCoat Range

The range includes a new Rotary and Turbo-backed system, available in three configurations tailored to meet various application needs. Designed for versatility and exceptional ease of use, offering automated control for Electron Microscopy sample preparation.


Tilt stage as standard allows for better coating deposition and coverage of samples.

Tilt stage as standard allows for better coating deposition and coverage of samples.

FTM as standard allows control of coating, providing better precision and control.

FTM as standard allows control of coating, providing better precision and control.

Allows for better viewing and avoids screen glare.

New tilt touchscreen allows for better viewing and avoids screen glare.

Allows for faster pump-down, optimal vacuum of 1x10-6mbar.

Better vacuum measurement

Allows for faster pump-down, optimal vacuum of 6x10-3mbar.

Removable chamber allows for the chamber to be easily removed when switching between processes. No needs to unbolt and adjust.

Removable chamber allows for the chamber to be easily removed when switching between processes. No needs to unbolt and adjust.


Upgraded stainless steel hose

Allows for Pt to be sputtered as standard

Compare the TurboQ and RotaQ to the Q Series sputter coaters

See the range of Quorum sputter coaters and their applications below or for the full collection of sputter coaters or parts and accessories.

MiniQ S

The cost effective, easy to use entry-level sputter coater.


  • Low and medium magnifications
  • Table-top SEM coater

A pump is required for MiniQ.



The New Generation of Rotary Pumped EM Coaters

Three models available: 

  • RotaQ S: Sputter coater for noble metals.
  • RotaQ E: Evaporation coater for carbon/metal evaporation.
  • RotaQ ES: Combined coater offering both sputter coating and carbon and metal evaporation.

A pump is required for RotaQ.





The New Generation of Hi-Vacuum EM Coaters

Three models available: 

  • TurboQ S: Sputter coater for noble and/or oxidising metals.
  • TurboQ E: Evaporation coater for carbon/metal evaporation.
  • TurboQ ES: Combined coater offering both sputter coating and carbon and metal evaporation.

A pump is required for TurboQ.


  • Dry pumping available


Turbo Pumped System for Glove Box Use

 Recommended applications: 

  • High resolution SEM and FIB-SEM
  • Carbon coating for elemental analysis and carbon coating of TEM grids

A pump is required for Q150GB.



Large size chamber, single sputter head.

Recommended applications: 

  • High resolution SEM
  • Large samples e.g Silicon Wafers (up to 150mm)
  • Protective platinum layers for FIB
  • Carbon coating for elemental analysis and TEM

A pump is required for Q300T ES PLUS.

Dry pumping options:


Large size chamber, dual sputter head dual target.

Recommended applications: 

  • Large samples e.g Silicon Wafers (up to 200mm diameter) or multiple small samples Wafer inspection
  • Multiple sample preparation for SEM
  • Thin-film applications and SEM/FE-SEM

A pump is required for Q300T D PLUS.

Dry pumping options:



Large size chamber, triple sputter head single target.

Recommended applications: 

  • Large samples e.g Silicon Wafers (up to 200mm diameter) or multiple small samples Wafer inspection
  • Multiple sample preparation for SEM
  • Thin-film applications and SEM/FE-SEM

A pump is required for Q300T T PLUS.

Dry pumping options:

Choose the best sputter target for your application

See here for more technical information on sputter coating