PP3010 cryo-SEM preparation system, turbo pumped, 240V
PP3010 cryo-SEM preparation system, turbo pumped, 240V
The PP3010 is a highly automated, easy to use, column-mounted, gas-cooled cryo preparation system suitable for most makes and models of SEM, FE-SEM and FIB/SEM. The PP3010 includes a number of unique but important features, including: off-column cooling (no boiling liquid nitrogen on the microscope), pumped storage of the cryo transfer device.
Visibility is a key feature throughout the whole system. CCD images from the preparation chamber and the SEM (fitted if space allows) are displayed on the control screen, and a large front window and top viewing ports give unsurpassed visibility of the specimen and chamber interior. The PP3010T includes facilities needed to rapidly freeze and transfer specimens. The aQuilo cryo preparation chamber has tools for cold fracturing and for fully automatic sublimation and specimen coating. Once prepared, the specimen can be transferred onto a high stability SEM cold stage for observation. Extensive cold trapping in the aQuilo cryo preparation chamber and SEM can be set to operate at temperatures down to below -190°C, ensuring the whole process occurs in a contamination free, high-vacuum environment.
Glovebox interface and various specimen stubs and shuttles are available separately.
Walk through the Cryo-SEM Preparation System Laboratory
- High resolution performance on SEM, FE-SEM and FIB/SEMs
- Totally gas cooled, including cryo preparation chamber - no boiling nitrogen on the SEM
- Efficient cooling (down to at least -190°C)
- 24 hours plus run times on one fill of LN2 are typical - allowing unattended overnight operation (at typical operating temperatures)
- Large recipe driven touch-screen interface
- Automated sublimation, coating and system start up
- Superb specimen visibility
- Fully compatible with SEM beam deceleration/stage bias modes up to 5kV
- Off column cooling and pumping systems - minimum mass on the SEM
- On-screen data logging and diagnostics
- Pumped storage of the cryo transfer device
- Prepdek workstation - self contained work area, extra bench space not required
- Cryo workflow options
- Specialist support and extended warranty option
SEM components - Nitrogen gas cooled SEM cold stage to -190°C. Temperature stability of <0.5°C. Nitrogen gas cooled SEM cold trap to -190°C. SEM LED illumination.
SEM cooling - CHE3010 off-column, 30 litre gas cooling system, with up to 24hrs hold time.
Column mounted aQuilo cryo preparation chamber - Nitrogen gas cooled cold stage -190°C to +100°C. Temperature stability <0.5°C/hr. Nitrogen gas cooled upper and lower cold traps ambient to -190°C. Multiple LED illumination and CCD camera (Optional Binoculars Viewer). Actively cooled fracturing/manipulation tool, micrometer controlled knife (option). Large front window (150mm x 78mm) plus two top viewing ports. Automated, high resolution sputtering (Pt standard). Optional film thickness monitor and carbon fibre evaporation attachment. Automated sublimation.
Preparation chamber pumping system - Floor-mounted turbo pumping with stainless steel vacuum connection to the preparation chamber. Typical preparation chamber vacuums when cold are in the region of 10-7 mbar. Vacuum pump required. Optional dry pump
Touch-screen control via panel PC - 380mm panel PC. User definable "recipes" can be stored. On-screen data logging, diagnostics and help videos.
Prepdek specimen preparation station - Slushed nitrogen freezing and specimen handling system, ideal for handling pre-frozen specimens. Includes work area for specimen preparation. Pump storage for cryo transfer device, flexible LED light and specimen mounting jig.